Where have I been??? Short and long answer, school. I just finished up my freshman year of college and am excited to get back blogging. This blog will not only feature nails, but a little bit of everything that I love. For example, my 1 year loc-aversary was April 10th and I’d like to make some posts on my locs, mainly just progress pictures though. I also love fashion, but specifically affordable fashion. My three style yes’ are sleeves, earrings, and sunglasses. One of my ultimate goals in life is to always have a matching mani to my outfit. I’m working on a lifestyle/fashion guide that I’ll post about here once it’s finished. It’s called “Color of the 1/2 Week” and it essentially ensures that your nails always match your outfits. Just to clarify, when I say match I don’t mean your outfit and nails have to be the same color, they can just be complementary colors. Once Color of the 1/2 Week is published, I’m thinking of starting a YouTube channel so you all can see my outfit prep. Outfit prep will just be me preparing for the next day’s outfit including styling my hair, painting my nails, and choosing/accessorizing my outfit. My first ones will probably be recorded and posted, but hopefully if there’s enough interest I can do a couple live streams and we can outfit prep together. I will be on here much more than I’ll be on Instagram. Instagram is becoming more and more like TikTok and I can’t stand TikTok. Instagram is really only pushing reels, but I dislike making reels. I thought about making them just to grow my following, but my nail page is supposed to be fun. I enjoy painting my nails and I refuse to let the pressure to make reels destroy that for me. It’s very negative and mind-numbing and when I had it at certain points during the school year, a huge waste of time. Anybody who says they don’t have enough time to do x-y-z for school should seriously take a look at their screen time on social media. I did this during the school year and realized I actually had plenty of time to get my work done, social media was just eating away at some of it. Anyways, this about rounds up my update for the blog.